Services offered by Customary Court of Appeal

Claim for possession of property (other than as between lanlord and tenant) | For a special interpreter of a language not in common use | For marking any paper annexed to an affidavit or declaration | For the issue of a warrant to detain an absconding defendant | On filing a security bond | On justification of sureties: for each surety | Certified copy of proceedings per follo | On filing a notice of appeal | Appellants Brief | For commission to take evidence: | On issue of certificate of divorce | On the issue of order to imprison judgment debtor | Application for writ of summons | For the drawing up of any order or judgement | For taking down a person's statement where so ordered | Copies thereof for respondent per folio | On filing notice of appeal within 30 days | On the issue of Garnishee Order | On respondents notice to affirm Judgement on other grounds | On filing an affidavit accompanying Notice of appeal | On copies of record of proceedings in the court below per folio of 72 words or part thereof | Notice of Appeal to Court of Appeal | On filing of any other paper | For warrant of prisoner to give evidence | All other fees payable shall be in accordance with the fee payable under the Rules of Court or other provisions relating to the practice and procedure of the High Court | Appellant Reply Brief | For reducing a petition and affidavit to writing by Court Officer where authorized | On filing additional grounds of appeal within 30 days | On leave to amend notice of appeal | On motion to correct clerical mistakes in a judgement | On filing notice of appeal after 30 days of decision | On motion for leave to appeal out of time | For any other application | For taking costs where so directed for every N100 or part thereof | For preparing a copy where authorized: per folio of 72 words | On the withdrawal of appeal by appellant: | On respondents preliminary objection | For inspection of court records | Motion on Notice | Appeal to Court of Appeal | On the issue of order to attach property | For an inquiry by a court officer where so ordered; each for sitting | Allowances to witness | Motion Exparte |