List of services offered by Benue State Judiciary

Service Name Fees Courts Details
All other fees payable shall be in accordance with the fee payable under the Rules of Court or other provisions relating to the practice and procedure of the High Court 1,000.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Allowances to witness 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Amending a pleading by virtue of paragraph (a) of sub-rule (1) af Order VIII, rule 3 of the Matrimonial Causes Rules 500.00 High Courts | Magistrate Courts | View
Appeal to Court of Appeal 5,000.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Appellant Reply Brief 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Appellants Brief 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Application for writ of summons 1,500.00 High Courts | Customary Court of Appeal | View
Certified copy of proceedings per follo 100.00 High Courts | Magistrate Courts | Customary Court of Appeal | View
Claim for possession of property (other than as between lanlord and tenant) 5,000.00 High Courts | Magistrate Courts | Customary Court of Appeal | View
Copies thereof for respondent per folio 100.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Extending the time for serving a notice of petition or notice of proceedings 500.00 View
Fees payable to Lower court upon giving or recording notice of appeal (Whether verbal or in writing) 500.00 View
Fees payable to Magistrate's Court or High Court on every subpoena (unless Specially directed by the Court to be issued)500 500.00 View
Fees payable to the High Court; Entering an appeal on a matter of law 2,000.00 View
Filing a consent order, other than a consent order determining proceedings instituted by application to the Court for determining an application made to a registrar 500.00 View
Filing a notice of address for service 500.00 View
Filing a notice of change of address for service 500.00 View
Filing a petition or supplementary 1,500.00 View
Filing a request for a review of a Registrar's decision 500.00 View
Filing a request for assessment of maintenance pending suit Filing a request to refer proceedings for ancillary relief, other than Proceedings instituted by the filing of an application to the Court under rule 7 or 20 of Order XIV of the Matrimonial Causes Rules 500.00 View
Filing a request for the review of a Registrar's decision 500.00 View
Filing a request to refer maintenance proceedings to the Court under rule 11 of Order XIV of the Matrimonial Causes Rules 500.00 View
Filing a request under rule 39 of Order XI of the Matrimonial Causes Rules to set a defended suit down for trial 1,500.00 View
Filing a request under rule 41 of Order XI of the Matrimonial Causes Rules to set a defended suit down for trial 1,500.00 View
Filing a request under rule 5 of Order VI of the Matrimonial Causes Rule for service in a Country that is party to a Convention regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters 5,000.00 View
Filing an answer or supplementary answer by which the Respondent to a petition institutes proceedings of a kind referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of "Matrimonial Cause" in Section 114 of the Matrimonial Causes Act(Cap220) that is to say- a) proceedings for a decree of- (i) Dissolution of marriage (ii) Nullity of marriage (iii) Judicial separation (iv)Restitution of conjugal rights; or (v) Jactitation of marriage 1,500.00 View
Filing an application for a certificate of means, not being an Application Filed as a result of a great being unable to make an assessment until the Certificate has been issued 500.00 View
Filing an application to the Court other than an application referred to In item 11 or 15 500.00 View
Filing an application under Section 30 of the Matrimonial Causes Act (Cap 220) for leave to institute proceedings 1,000.00 View
Filing an application under the Third Schedule to the Matrimonial Causes Act, (Cap 220) 500.00 View
Filing any other answer or supplementary answer 1,000.00 View
Filing any other application to a Registrar 500.00 View
Filing memorandum or grounds of appeal 1,000.00 View
Fling a notice of change of address for service 500.00 View
For a declaration of right of occupancy to land 5,000.00 High Courts | View
For a sealed decree or copy thereof 500.00 View
For a special interpreter of a language not in common use TBD Customary Court of Appeal | View
For an account taken by a court officer where so ordered per N100.00 or part thereof found to have been received 1,000.00 View
For an account to be taken and payment on the sum found due initial fee 500.00 View
For an account to be taken and payment on the sum found due Maximum fee 30,000.00 View
For an account to be taken and payment on the sum found due second fee (payable before setting down for judgement) TBD View
For an inquiry by a court officer where so ordered; each for sitting 2,000.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For any other application 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For any other relief or assistance not specifically provided for 5,000.00 View
For attesting the execution or signature of an instrument (other than an Instrument regarding payment of pension by Government) not otherwise provided for 500.00 View
For certificate of service of foreign process(where not disallowed by convention) 1,000.00 View
For certifying a copy as a true copy per folio of 72 words or part thereof For payment into court (except when ordered by the court or proceeds of execution) 100.00 View
For commission to take evidence: TBD Customary Court of Appeal | View
For drawing up a bill of costs where so directed; per folio of 72 words 500.00 View
For drawing up a hill of costs where so directed: per folio of 72 words 500.00 View
For every subpoena 500.00 High Courts | View
For inspection of court records 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For making any paper annexed to an affidavit or declaration 100.00 View
For marking any paper annexed to an affidavit or declaration 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For payment into court(except when ordered by the court or proceeds of execution); (a) Not exceeding N100,000.00 per N20,000.00 or part thereof 1,000.00 View
For payment into court(except when ordered by the court or proceeds of execution); (b) Maximum fee payable 6,000.00 View
For possession of property as between landlord and tenant - maximum fee 30,000.00 View
For possession of property as between landlord and tenant - where the annual rent or value does not exceed N250,000.00 2,500.00 View
For possession of property as between landlord and tenant - where the annual rent or value exceeds N250,000 TBD View
For preparing a copy where authorized: per folio of 72 words 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For preparing copy where authorized: per folio of words 500.00 View
For reducing a petition and affidavit to writing by Court Officer where authorized 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For sealing a letter of request 2,000.00 View
For sealing any document not in a proceeding 500.00 View
For searching the archives: for each period of six months or part thereof 500.00 View
For swearing an affidavit or making a declaration (other than under the Act (Cap 549) or the Marriage Act (Cap 218) or one required by the Regulations of a Government Department) per Deponent 200.00 High Courts | View
For taking costs where so directed for every N100 or part thereof 50.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For taking down a person's statement where so ordered 1,000.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For the administration of a question relating to the distribution of or to a trust whether the person who creates the trust is dead or alive - Maximum fee 30,000.00 View
For the administration of a question relating to the distribution of or to a trust whether the person who creates the trust is dead or alive - where it exceeds N250,000.00 5,000.00 View
For the administration of a question relating to the distribution of or to a trust whether the person who creates the trust is dead or alive - where no gross value can be specified 10,000.00 View
For the administration of a question relating to the distribution of or to a trust whether the person who creates the trust is dead or alive - Where the pross value of the deceased or of property under trust does not exceed N250,000.00 2,500.00 View
For the administration of property of a deceased person where there is no dispute regarding succession or distribution - where no value can be speficied 6,000.00 View
For the administration of property of a deceased person where there is no dispute regarding succession or distribution - where the gross value of the property does not exceed N250,000.00 2,500.00 View
For the administration of property of a deceased person where there is no dispute regarding succession or distribution - where the gross value of the property exceeds N250,000 5,000.00 View
For the administration of property of a person of unsound mind - where the gross value of the property does not exceed N250,000.00 2,500.00 View
For the administration of property of a person of unsound mind- where no value can be speficied 6,000.00 View
For the administration of property of a person of unsound mind- where the gross value of the property exceeds N250,000 5,000.00 View
For the drawing up of any order or judgement 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
For the issue of a warrant to detain an absconding defendant 500.00 High Courts | Magistrate Courts | Customary Court of Appeal | View
For the issue of Habeas Corpus 2,000.00 View
For the Petition 2,500.00 View
For the recover of a specific sum exceeding N250,000.00 TBD View
for the recovery of a specific sum maximum fee 30,000.00 View
For the recovery of a specific sum not exceeding N250,000.00 2,500.00 View
For the recovery of an unspecified sum 30,000.00 View
For the service of any document or process - beyond five kilometers per day or part thereof of the time needed 100.00 View
For the service of any document or process - For every subsequent distance or part thereof (one as attached way) 100.00 View
For the service of any document or process - If within a kilometer from the court 100.00 View
For warrant of prisoner to give evidence 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Giving a certificate of a decree or order for registration In another Court 500.00 View
In respect of any other matter or service - Where the matter of service is to be done or rendered in the lower court, TBD View
Issuing a Certificate that a decree has become absolute 500.00 View
Lawyers Registration 2,000.00 View
Motion Exparte 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Motion on Notice 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
Notice of Appeal to Court of Appeal 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On application for a writ of Habeas Corpus 2,000.00 View
On application to search index to a grant or will or to respect a grant of will for safe custody 1,000.00 View
On appointment of Commissioner to administer Oaths and Declarations 2,000.00 View
On commission to take evidence; (a) Out of the jurisdiction 5,000.00 View
On commission to take evidence; (b) Within the jurisdiction 2,500.00 View
On copies of record of proceedings in the court below per folio of 72 words or part thereof 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On deposit of Will for safe custody 5,000.00 View
On drawing up an administration decree 1,000.00 View
On drawing up order on further consideration, where the property administered exceeds N400.000 1,000.00 View
On entering a caveat 500.00 View
On every petition to the Chief Judge or Judge or a Registrar (not being an application otherwise provided for) unless waived by a badge or the Chief Registrar 500.00 View
On every warning to a caveat 500.00 View
On filing a notice of appeal 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On filing a security bond 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On filing additional grounds of appeal after 30 days of decision 1,000.00 View
On filing additional grounds of appeal within 30 days 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On filing administration bond 1,000.00 View
On filing an affidavit 500.00 View
On filing an affidavit accompanying Notice of appeal 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On filing any other application- (a) if alone 1,500.00 View
On filing any other application- (b) if accompanied by other papers 2,000.00 View
On filing any other paper 500.00 View
On filing application for probate or administration 1,500.00 View
On filing notice of appeal after 30 days of decision 1,000.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On filing notice of appeal within 30 days 1,000.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On filing oath of executor or administrator 500.00 View
On filing of any other paper 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On inventory taken by a Court Officer - (b)For every subsequent hour or part thereof 500.00 View
On inventory taken by a Court Officer-(a) For the first three hours or part thereof 1,000.00 View
On issue of certificate of divorce 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On justification of sureties: for each surety 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On leave to amend notice of appeal 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On motion for leave to appeal out of time 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On motion to correct clerical mistakes in a judgement 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On probate or letter of or orders for administration: where the value of the property affected by the grant or order - Exceeds N1,000,000.00, 10,000.00 View
On respondents notice to affirm Judgement on other grounds 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On respondents preliminary objection 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On taking justification of sureties for each surety 500.00 View
On the issue of Garnishee Order 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On the issue of order to attach property 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On the issue of order to imprison judgment debtor 500.00 Customary Court of Appeal | View
On the withdrawal of appeal by appellant: TBD Customary Court of Appeal | View
On transfer of a foreign judgement 5,000.00 View
On warrant for prisoner to give evidence 500.00 View
Purchase of Library REsources TBD View
Registering a decree or oeder under Section 8 of the Matrimonial Causes Act (Cap 220) 500.00 View
Respondents Brief 500.00 View
Sealing a concurrent notice of petition or notice of proceedings 500.00 View
Sealing a notice or petition or notice of proceedings in place of a lost notice 500.00 View
Service of grounds of appeal on, or notice to Respondent 500.00 View
Service of subpoena 2,000.00 View
statement of claim 500.00 View
Stating at the request of a party, a matter for the opinion of the Court under rule 10 of Order XIX of the Matrimonial Causes Rules 500.00 View
Video call charge 200.00 View
writ of summons 2,500.00 High Courts | View